Today I'll be

Friday, November 24, 2006


I was tagged by Hani ages ago, finally got around to it. I think its kinda fun.

I am thinking about..the reading I should be doing right now.

I said.. 'eight p.m.' two seconds ago.

I want to.. listen to Jimmi Hendrix and see what all the fuss is about.

I wish.. for sound-proof walls.

I miss.. places more than people.

I hear.. my sister reading outloud from her storybook.

I wonder.. why people keep weddings at night?

I regret.. being aloof.

I am.. a big fan of flowy ink pens.

I dance...when Life warrants it.. : )

I cry.. mostly when I am angry.

I am not always.. careful with my words

I sort things out.

I need..excitement, color, sunshine, sugar-laden foodstuff, and my precious five.

I finish.. every book I start, even if its revolting...can't help it.

I tag...who ever is up to it.. :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

when, at my most conflicted moments, there are thoughts swirling that refuse to slow down and walk in a line, I grab a pen and paper to draw. No doodling, no calligraphy,no mind maps,no flow charts...just draw.

this is one of those moments.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Write what you know

Once, I had set out to pen “the story”, with characters that one hates to love and loves to hate. A story that picks up momentum perched on a frozen riverbank inhaling the crisp winter air,and begins trundling down wooden stairs towards an overstuffed mailbox.

Yet every attempt turned up dry. Those words lacked “oomph”,and to some extent even believability. You know, the specific satisfying details that only experience provides. Came to the realization that my favorite pieces of writing were usually non-fiction,and even the fiction were imitating life, like art often does.

What does this have to do with anything? Everything! This is the core, the eureka moment saying that the secret to writing , to getting started is as simple as ‘what you know’. That worked well for me, I would like to believe. Beginning with brief pieces on my home town on an international blog, and regular practice came an ease with penning observations.

Tonight, I attempt to write my first post here at The Fishtank and share an experience of an aspiring author. What I know is the all too familiar feeling of short phrases and statements floating around that can be so much more if given attention. In between answering the door, and completing a report, the plain urge to drop everything and communicate with you. You! The ever present, two or two thousand, readers in cyberspace, the essential audience. There is the almost unbearable urgency to relay what has been eating away at me for minutes/weeks/months. That somehow once its written down,hopefully coherent and legible, a dialogue will be sparked.The consuming process of stringing together words that truthfully represent one’s particular mind-heart combination to complete strangers. Each time the submission is on its way,sheer excitement of receiving feedback takes over. This I know.

What became of the ’story’ you ask? Oh, it is there all right. No quitter, I have some moments to enact and react to before it hits the bookshelves. Until then, consider giving writing a try? You can begin with the comments section.

(first submitted at TheFishTank)

Monday, January 23, 2006

*a soft spot* (for inky doodles...)

Friday, January 06, 2006

I, too, have been


1. Nervous habits... me? nervous? heck no! :P
2. Are you double jointed... nah
3. Can you roll your tongue... no
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time…never tried that, probably can.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles...Yep.
6. Can you cross your eyes... Yep.
7. Tattoos... bubblegum ones count?
8. Piercings... Yes
9. Do you make your bed daily... ofcourse

10. Which shoe goes on first?... the one closest to my hand.
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone... lol yes, in jest.
12. On the average, how much money do you carry…1500 rupees and an atm card.
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7...lil hoop earrings, black onyx and silver ring,and my Coach watch.
14. Favorite piece of clothing... jeans.

15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it... twirl.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam... No, but seen it up and close on a supermarket shelf.
17. Do you use extra salt on your food... There can never be extra salt. hehe..
18. How many cereals in your cabinet....1.
19. What's your favorite beverage...Tea.
20. What's your favorite fast food restaurant/chain...Hmm, Long John Silver's (are there any left?)
21. Do you cook... Yes Indeed.

22. How often do you brush your teeth... 3 times a day.
23. Hair drying method...blow-dryer
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair... affirmative.

25. Do you ever swear...
26. Do you ever spit...
I can answer both of these together: In public never.

27. Animal... Killer Whale.
28. Food.... Rice
29. Month...hmm..prolly May.
30. Day... I like all of them.
31. Cartoon... Doug ( used to air on Nickelodeon way back when)
32. Shoe brand...Nine-West
33. Subject in school...Social Studies or Literature (tie)
34. Color... Purple (and every possible shade of it)
35. Sport... Tennis
36. TV shows... top ten countdown
37. Thing to do in the spring... be outside with my camera.
38. Thing to do in the summer... Catch up on some reading if I have the chance.
39. Thing to do in the fall...tons of plays and shows go on in Lahore, try to attend them.
40. Thing to do in winter...take walks, love the mild Lahore winter.
41. In the CD player...John Mayer, Room for Squares
42. Person you talk most on the phone dad.
43. Reading... autobiographies
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors... lol, who doesn't? not regularly, occasionally.
45. What color is your bedroom... smattering of maroon,black,and shocking pink. :D
46. Do you use an alarm clock... most definately.
47. Window seat or Aisle... Window

48. What's your sleeping position... one side or another.
49. In hot weather do you use a blanket... nope.
50. Do you snore... nope. :P
51. Do you sleepwalk...No!
52. Do you talk in your sleep...nah
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals... Nah
54. How about with the light on... Nope
55. Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on...Nope,iPod.
56. Last interesting person you met...Uhh...*thinks*, I'll come back to this.


Well I did this because Hani tagged me...and I tag :

Flying Cow
and who ever else who feels up to it. :)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

so these are the little things..

that perk up my day. What am I going on about?

This, *ta-dah*, familiar junction/beggars galore/avert eyes/ignore ignore ending up on Chowk's Self-Publish section.

Tell me what you think...better yet, type it out...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

so I took down her tattered journal of quotes, to share this with you

Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness. Not being able to put Picadilly together with Regent Street or relate Hyde
Park to distant Charing Cross,
that is deliciousness.
To go down the Spanish Steps in Rome and

To go out in Paris midnight crowds and wonder why you love it so, as
texture after texture drifts by and you wish you could walk forever...