Today I'll be
so I took down her tattered journal of quotes, to share this with you
Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness. Not being able to put Picadilly together with Regent Street or relate Hyde
Park to distant Charing Cross,
that is deliciousness.
To go down the Spanish Steps in Rome and
To go out in Paris midnight crowds and wonder why you love it so, as
texture after texture drifts by and you wish you could walk forever...
familiar junction/beggars galore/avert eyes/ignore ignore
oh,wretched double-tap,single handpress leaves a faint map I don't want to travela broken fate line and couple hundred sweaty whorls,quick, eyes assume gaze at 'bottom of car floor', (which needs a good vacuuming seems to me)and daily 'aloof' act is begun once more.a hurried knuckle-knock follows,eyes have consulted the lit-up signal,'n bare feet sense failed motorbike kickstarts gain momentumwith suzuki revs resonating across their asphalt stubborn, traffic-weatheredall of me doesn't budgean it's hand-shadow fades outin the sudden lurch of gear one,i realize it was the smallest shadow i'd ever seen...
how poetry re-entered my life, and how its here to stay
Essentially I came upon e.e. cummings is a place& through this place oflove move (with brightness of peace)all placesyes is a world& in this world ofyes live(skilfully curled)all worlds-e.e. cummings No Thanks 58andpity this busy monster,manunkind,not. Progress is a comfortable disease:your victim(death and life safely beyond)plays with the bigness of his littleness--electrons deify one razorbladeinto a mountainrange;lenses extendunwish through curving wherewhen till unwishreturns on its unself. A world of madeis not a world of born--pity poor fleshand trees,poor stars and stones,but never thisfine specimen of hypermagicalultraomnipotence. We doctors knowa hopeless case if--listen:there's a hellof a good universe next door;let's go-ee cummings 1 x 1 [One Times One] XIVThis I can read for hours...if I had those hours...